We had a great time on the cruise around Manhatten. It was good weather and I managed to stay well, eat food and even drink champagne. It lasted 4 hours and we were taken around Manhatten and up close to the Statue of Liberty. In true American tradition, patriotic songs were played and sang as we stopped near the statue. The views of the magnificant city of New York were fabulous.
We boarded our flight to Dubai this morning and were surprised to be upgraded to first! It was a very comfortable 14 hour flight and because I was able to sleep it seemed to go quickly. We've had the day in Dubai but I slept for 5 hours. We did go out for dinner with friend, Sarah, across the Marina, at the Marina Walk. It was much quieter than last time. The amazing humidity could hve been the reason. By the time we walked back we were lathered in perspiration!! The temps here have risen since we were here in May...daytime highs in the low 40s, with high humidity.
We've packed for departure tomorrow and limited ourselves to Jetstar's 20kg limit (leaving gear here for D to bring home next time) as we are going to Launceston to see Crows beat Hawthorn and better still, to catch up with family there. Might have to buy warm clothing as the weather in Tas is quite a contrast to here.
Reading about friends at home writing reports makes me realise how lucky I am to be retired and not heading home to catch up on school work.
Thanks to those who've been brave enough to leave comments. It's really great to read them and know you are looking in from time to time.